
Expanding Photography’s Borders: Rebecca Handler

Photographer Allegra Pacheco

Rebecca Handler black and white

She began to fully embrace her love of pho- tography while in high school. “I was ‘that girl’ carrying her camera everywhere she went,” she describes of her past self, “hav- ing my lens in my friends’ faces constantly. I never saw myself as an artist or a photogra- pher. I just liked taking photos.”

Her first camera, given to her by her father, was a Minolta SLR x-700 along with a fixed 50mm lens. The look on my face quite plainly shows that I have no idea what those items are. One look at the photos on rebeccahan-, however, and it’s quite clear that out of the two of us, Rebecca’s father chose the right one to give the camera to.

After graduating from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, Rebecca spent time financing in the motorcycle industry and started Ruby Bird Studios, a collective of photographers, in San Francisco. However, after a crash of the motorcycle industry and her studio going under, Rebecca has moved back to New York to further her career.

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